
Eric Chomis was born in Lyon (France) in 1965 where he now lives and works. He studied History of Art at Lyon University and at the School of Fine Art known as the "Beaux Arts," but before long he returned to his own diagrammatic approach of conceiving art which he discovered when he was sixteen. He considers himself a self-taught artist. Although his painting has been influenced by the Paris School of Thought, it isn't easy to label as his approach is often closer to that of the Singular Art Movement. He was discovered in 1991 and his work has been regularly exhibited throughout France and Europe: Paris, Amsterdam, Belgium and Switzerland. He has participated in a number of exhibitions in particular "Comparaisons" at the Paris "Grand Palais" and his work is shown in many small private and state galleries.
Eric Chomis's paintings portray many landscapes, which are usually influenced by the streets of Lyon. His love for landscapes and architecture is perhaps the reason he covers his canvases with buildings and trees. Chomis describes his paintings as "the graphic link to reality, my reality, a moment of my life." Thus, the colors that he uses in each of his paintings reflects the mood of his stories.
Chomis is famous for his distinct oil paintings. These are mostly made with high reliefs, which give the canvas more texture as well as uniqueness. The poetic sensitivity in his work transpires in the way he uses his art materials and by creating holes, bumps and blisters - he reveals a new way of using the canvas. Besides oil on canvas, Chomis is also capable of using many other media such as watercolor, pastel, and graphite pencils. However, because of the characteristics of these media, Chomis is unable to create any relief on these art pieces.
"Bubbling color and material. There is a kind of underground activity that is a swell, a blister to the surface of the canvas, as a reaction to the underlying tale to come, a kind of surface effect to my story." - Eric Chomis
The painting of Eric Chomis features as a real landmark of an imaginary adventure. Each painting tolls a departure. An invitation to journey back over our own path: that of childhood of course and of its landscapes once and forever caught by the eye. The artist discretely suggests we seize the link between the past and the present, reality and experience, consciousness and the unconsciousness, lightness and depth. We are both charmed by the intense joy that reigns on the surface of his urban landscapes and troubled by the intensity, chaos and matter. Cavities, holes, bumps, there's something else beneath all that. It's almost like a sort of pictorial pregnancy able to generate other worlds and other places even more obscure and not knowing where to go next. Let's say this is a bubbling and promising painter whose work is of extreme sensitivity and deepened sincere naivete.
As Andre Gence says: "Above all this painter has a soul, above all, a soul."

6th Biennale Exhibition, France
Ode to Art Gallery, Singapore
Salon Comparison, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Salon du Sud-Est, Lyon, France
"Cartons, Toiles, Papiers"-COMBAS-TARDIVO-CHOMIS Cortade'Art, Aix en Provence, France